miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

English Language Challenges

Well this is my last post, and I have to tell you about my English class, first of all I like very much my English class at the university, this is my first one and it has been a very good experience, I have learnt so many things that I didn’t know before, more vocabulary, and I have had  so much practice, like listening, writing and reading part, also I considered that English required a constant practice, if you don’t practiced it can be forgot, and there are always new words, expressions to learn, apart  that  nowadays  English is useful and necessary , in jobs or when you travel to another country you can easily communicate with others who doesn’t speak your  language, also there are many things in English, like  programs, series, books, envolture foods and other material of study. I really like the format of this class, Blogs are an excellent space to learn and practice skills, also it isn’t bored and isn’t the typical way to learn, like in others classes. I know that I still have new things to learn in English, in all  aspects, more vocabulary, more practice in general, Maybe I will watch more movies or series in English, or one day I would like to study in an another country where I can use English.

Finally in my opinion there is not so many things that this class need to be improve, the teacher miss Rosa is excellent and she provides a very good space to share and learn in all of her students.

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

changes to my study programme

I am studying psychology , this is my first  year,and  when I applied to this carreer I read the programme, the courses, and all relative information, I made questions about it  in differents collage, for  to make a comparisson and choose  the best option, according to me, so I was lucky, I could choose the university of chile, I  really like their programe, orientation and system, and also it is well- konwn for his excellence, and there are very good tecaher. I had Heard so many coments about the building, the structure, so many people argued that  this university did not  have enough space,  or that the classroom were in bad conditions, also that   it  couldn’t provide the tolos  to learn, but being in this university I  prove , that is no like that , We have good  spaces to study, the classroom are good, and you have access to books and other materials.

In my opinion the curriculum is fine, It has been changed, for example  I knew that this year many other changes have introduced, but I think that important change to do, is about the  practical part, I mean we make our practice in our last year,   I  considerer that can be others chances to practice,  honestly  I  do not  know so much about this,  but maybe each one must  find this chances  or have a real contact with the profession. About the  teaching methods, I found it  good in general,  but I considered that the tests, and evaluation methods are not the best one, they do not measure  how much we have learn or how much we are prepared to practice our profession.  

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Hello everyone

Today’ s post is a about Winter holidays, I am very excited about Winter vacations, because I am so tired and stressed with tests and lessons, so in this moment I think that I will sleep all my vacations, but seriously I don’t have a special plan for Winter holidays, I would be happy if I can stay in my house and share with family and Friends that  I haven’t seen  this semester, rightnow evorybody is so busy anyway I will like to go to cinema, or maybe go to the beach for a couple of days,  and breath fresh air, I also would like to cook some cakes, and new meals it is very funny, and read a nice book. In my last Winter vacations I did  the mayor part of this  plans, except for the trip to the beach, I couldn’t do it, by this time I have something different because I have my first pet, a dog named teo, so I hope to spend a lot of time with him, like playing   or  go for a walk, I do this things now but in vacations  I will do it much more. Also  I always would like to visit another country in vacationes,  I would like to  go to Europe, but  being more realist I would like to go the south of chile, or better  to the Patagonia chilena, I have seen photos  and programs about it on tv, and  it is wonderful,the nature is something amazing.