miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Post 3

Post 3 How to perform a peer review
First of all we have to know what is a peer review,  includes some examples and then  I think we will be able to do one. Well in my Words a peer reviews  is a method, a way  in which one a person check your work, in a first moment I relationed with any work, that is need or want to be cheked by other person who have knowledge to evaluate the work, but in specific and more technical it is used in academics spaces in wich paper workrs, essays, scientific articles have to be  reviewed ,according to the important information that it can contain like theories, experiments,and others, so it is a delicate procedure that has to be done with responsability for the information that it brings to the public, and the tretement of the informtion that so many times is provided by people that can be affected  and also includes the cofidence of the peer that asked for the  review this one has to be critic, meticuluos,and an expert with the them. Saying that I will present a summary with the principal steps to perform a peer review, in some cases the are more specific ones, but this ones is a general so  you can search for more information.
1.       Know the structure of the paper, article or other, it mains how  the information is organized. Some tip it can be in a formal or informal one
2.       Do a skim reding, it means a general review of the topic, if it is clear, how is written etc.
3.       Do a complete review or a Deep lecture
4.       Analyze the methods used
5.       Finally write critics, recomendations of any type.

Post 2

The introduction

The area  of psychology includes  a series of topics relatead to people, one of them is to know how they act and understand why they act  also  how they feel in their daily life, the main porpuse to study  this topics is to help in case of any trouble that people can have, for example if they feel sad for a particular reason and the  feeling grows each day until it turns to  a mental illness  or how  the techncals calls  pathological, in simple words it means that afects all the aspects of the person life  and they do not want to live  any more, the experts try to help them find the cause of the feeling, but in other cases  the situation that cause the illness is clear for the person and the problem is that they can not  controled, the cause can be related to past like traumas, present  or  even future in case of the pathologics like anxiety disorders , the psychology   includes a lot ways  to aproch to people, particulars point of view of who is the human being and differents techniques to help, for exmaple there are humanist, psychoanalysis and others, but in the practice all are mixed and contribute to improve the  quality of life at individual level , but at the end all the society because so many times the problems of one individual  can be the same or share something with other person or sometimes the cause of the problem is in a community or a  family and all is  connected so if one is afected  the other too, having in mind that each one are unique and answer  and feel acording to that.

Post one

Well I am student of first year at  the university  so I think that I have to learn  so many things about my carrer which is psychology and so many more things, but I have been in school system for almost fifteen years and I have learn things or that is what I like to believe,among all the troubles that has the system, I think that one of them is that  schools are guilty, or responsable of the loose of creativity , I would like to present my opinión  according to the policy of free creativity style of writting in this posts, I would like to defend that  we are lossing our creativiy skills in part  because of the school, for a number of  reasons the first one, is that we have so many orders to follow, of how to do everything that we do not have space or time to imagine, I am aware the we have to learn some many topics in a limited period of time, and there are  certain way to do it and learn it, intead of that  creativity has to be promoted, for example to add a news ideas or a comment about the topic of the subject or make a draw of anything that we want in a space of the class. The loose of creativty is increasing each  year and  we get used to only listen, and receive more and more  information  of authors, theories, and  what others have invented while we stop  to express our thougths, feelings, or ideas and we grow beliveng that  is more useful and easy  that others tell us or  show how  to do eveything  and when we have to invent, we considerer that is hard work and this is circle because   the society and the culture do not give value  of be creative, we think that the creative is relatead to Jobs that do not pay enoungh money  ,like tradicional ones does , and when   for example when someone is studying  dance, art or music  there are seems that are not so valued, well  there are two things that i would like to say about it, first in my opinion creativiy is not atached to a job or the conditions  of  life, creativity have some many forms like people in the world, and ther are capacities that we developted  in a process and  we can used  in differents ways.

I rather prefer to think that we have our creativiy hidding the  only thing  we have to do is bring it, and try to used in  life to imagine créate  and express how we see the world, and find a way to do it.