miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Brandon Flowers

Hi ¡
  I  had never thought in someone I would like to meet, like a famous person, but if I could I would like to meet Brandon Flowers, he is a  singer who became popular with his band named The killers, I have always loved this band, since I was 10 yearrs old, I listened to  and I knew all their lyrics,  the group was formed in 2002 and  I have been a big fan of  the group and their style of music, I do not  think that they have a particular style,  it is a mix between  punk rock, pop and rock and roll, a  few years later in 2010 Brandon flower  began his own career as a  soloist, when I  heard that brandon flower started his own career the first thing  I thought was that  the group  would end,   and  I would  not see them in a concert, then I  listened to the new  album of brandon and I fell in love with his songs, and obviously with him,  He is 35 years old  and is extremely attractive, in part because his voice, also he  maintened the style of music from The killers but he added a new rhythm,  I would love to see him singing all his songs.      

Resultado de imagen para brandon flowers singing

2 comentarios:

  1. I really like his song Mr Brightside! it´s a great singer

  2. I don't know him, but it sounds interesting, i will hear him! <3
