miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


Hi everyone 

this time I  am going to talk about elections, the primary  elections are on the  2nd of  July in Chile, in this election you can vote for a possible pressident or senator, and   the final election is on november, I hope to vote both times, because I  think that voting is a  right  but also a  duty,  voting is fundamental, it is a way of participping in the construcction of the country, when you  choose  a pressident or senator you  are opting for political  mesaures   these  ones will be applied on  you , that     can affect you directly or indirectly, but at the end  all of us are part of the society and voting is one  form to express the things and people that we want to run the society ,about that we can have  bad experencies  with politicians,we know that  some of them are corrupted, not reliable, liars and also  see in political an easy way to make money,   about that I  prefer to  think  possitively because  we will never find the perfect person to run the society, nobody is perfect on what they do and we have a infinite opinions on how to do it , so from my point of view  we must not   criticize in a bad way, on the contrary . we must  give our opinons, and advices  but it has to be constructive  to  improve  our elections and the people we choose. The main importance is that the politcans and the measures that they make  agree with  our opinions and if they are we should vote for them, or maybe the most nearly propposal, according to that I think that having or not having qualities are not relevent on voting, how they    think about the society it  is the relevant. and more important what they . know about it. 
I have considered to get involved  in politcs, because  I would like to help others,but by this time I am not capable to do it,  I do not have knowledge, but  I will vote and learn about politics for a while.

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