miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Post grade course

Hello everyone: 

I am studying psychology at University, it is my first career and  I decided to study this since  I was  at  school, I would like to work with children, it can be at schools, hospital or in a particular consult, for this  I  think  that  if I work in schools or with children I  would do a major in education, or a post grade to specialize in children, or  teenager psychology, I  am interested in  learning problems.  I  would like to know profundity about  topics  like learning, growth process, and work out  the difficulties in this, by this time  I do not  know what other major I would like to do, but  I hope that when I  finish my career  I  will find other interests, more than doing a post grade I would like to study a second career like nursing or occupational therapy, this career are more close to natural sciences than social ones, however   these ones and psychology have  in common that both of them work  with the health of the people, but from different perspectives,  the natural sciences heel the body and the social one  helps with the psyche, but  in my opinion  it is a complement  among all of them. Also I would like to take a neuroscience course and psychotherapy one, I prefer to take face to face classes rather than online system also I would like to study abroad.

2 comentarios:

  1. "The natural sciences heel the body and the social one helps with the psyche" good observation!, I think that is always good try to complement our knowledge :)

  2. I would like to work with childrens too!!!!! they are the future of this country hehe
