miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

favorite TV program

Hello everyone ¡
 I do not have a favorite TV program,but  I have watched a lot of series, tv shows, also movies,I am a big  fan of TV programs, and movies, one of my favorite hobby is to watch series,  I have watched seires of vampires, criminals, zombies, action and comedy ones,  I think these topics are the most popular  at  the present time, one of the latest series I have been watching is  Grey s anatomy, this is a very popular drama serie, it is about doctors, who work  at a  hospital in Seattle, there they have to deal with their own problems and  also treat  their patients, this serie has  thirteen seasons which are 293 episodes, and the first one was in 2005, on the serie you can notice the evoluion, and changes of the characters, the principal one is meredith grey protagonized by the actress Ellen Pompeo,  she won a prize at SAG awards in 2008, in the category of  the best drama actress for her role in this serie, grey anatomy was created by Shonda Rhimes, she is  a scriptwriter, producer and director, and her  TV program won  award  for the best drama serie in 2007,I love this series because it has very attractive characters, and  every episodes  is exciting and  new problems  need to be fixed, for example right now  I remember one episode of the nineth season in which almost all principal characters are in a plane crash and  they  had to survive in the middle of nowhere, you can watch how they had to confront  an accident, just as the patients that arrive to the hospital do.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Post grade course

Hello everyone: 

I am studying psychology at University, it is my first career and  I decided to study this since  I was  at  school, I would like to work with children, it can be at schools, hospital or in a particular consult, for this  I  think  that  if I work in schools or with children I  would do a major in education, or a post grade to specialize in children, or  teenager psychology, I  am interested in  learning problems.  I  would like to know profundity about  topics  like learning, growth process, and work out  the difficulties in this, by this time  I do not  know what other major I would like to do, but  I hope that when I  finish my career  I  will find other interests, more than doing a post grade I would like to study a second career like nursing or occupational therapy, this career are more close to natural sciences than social ones, however   these ones and psychology have  in common that both of them work  with the health of the people, but from different perspectives,  the natural sciences heel the body and the social one  helps with the psyche, but  in my opinion  it is a complement  among all of them. Also I would like to take a neuroscience course and psychotherapy one, I prefer to take face to face classes rather than online system also I would like to study abroad.

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

My future job

Hi everyone: 

 Today  I am talking about  my future job, well I  am studying psychology  so   I suppose I will work as psychologist. When I  was  10 years old I  wanted to be  a   teacher because I used to like the idea of working at a school, the main reason is that I  love childrens, now  I  am sure I  would be very happy working   in a school as a psychologist or teaching in a school. Nowdays  I like the quit  places so  I would not stay in  Santiago, maybe  I will work in a town  at the  south of chile, after a time working  here  I would like to go to another country, there  I will   do a major in education,   also as a second carreer  I would like to study  nursing  or occupational therapy,  Apart from that, there are many more things that I would like to learn ,   for example  how to  play  a instrument,  or   maybe   I  will take arts or  history classes because I am interest in the diferents cultures in the world,   to sum up  I  want to work in differents areas, but  keeping  in mind  my main profession. I hope can  do all the things I  want but  I  dont like to think  in that so much , I will be happy  working as a psychologist at any school.

Resultado de imagen para psicologa educativa

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


Hi everyone 

this time I  am going to talk about elections, the primary  elections are on the  2nd of  July in Chile, in this election you can vote for a possible pressident or senator, and   the final election is on november, I hope to vote both times, because I  think that voting is a  right  but also a  duty,  voting is fundamental, it is a way of participping in the construcction of the country, when you  choose  a pressident or senator you  are opting for political  mesaures   these  ones will be applied on  you , that     can affect you directly or indirectly, but at the end  all of us are part of the society and voting is one  form to express the things and people that we want to run the society ,about that we can have  bad experencies  with politicians,we know that  some of them are corrupted, not reliable, liars and also  see in political an easy way to make money,   about that I  prefer to  think  possitively because  we will never find the perfect person to run the society, nobody is perfect on what they do and we have a infinite opinions on how to do it , so from my point of view  we must not   criticize in a bad way, on the contrary . we must  give our opinons, and advices  but it has to be constructive  to  improve  our elections and the people we choose. The main importance is that the politcans and the measures that they make  agree with  our opinions and if they are we should vote for them, or maybe the most nearly propposal, according to that I think that having or not having qualities are not relevent on voting, how they    think about the society it  is the relevant. and more important what they . know about it. 
I have considered to get involved  in politcs, because  I would like to help others,but by this time I am not capable to do it,  I do not have knowledge, but  I will vote and learn about politics for a while.