miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

POST 5 statistics essay two

All the curriculum maps must have a subject in which one the students can practice from the begging of the career, there are many reasons  to implement this, firstly    a large amounts of psychologies are graduated each year, and  they must be ready and qualified to work with people, but according to the information not many of them are prepared to do this, this situation can be the result  of many causes, maybe  they are not good students or a more reasonable one is that they have not been trained to work with people during the career, as a result of a lack of experience  and contact with people realities, so they do not know the common problems, or how to talk  with others
As an example this pie chart shows the percentages of the psychologies who are members of the school of psychologies of Chile, the most noticeable thing about this, is the number of people who are not affiliate it is a 89 percent, it is a very big amount compared to the affiliate ones. This can be a sample of the quality of psychologies because a big number of them are working but there is a possibility that they do not managed the updated treatments or the correct knowledge to help others.

As a conclusion of the graph, the number of authorized or well- trained psychologies  is  quite low, so the government must  of implement measures  to improve the quality of them  and then help others.

Post 4 Statistics essay one

Psychology is a career in the health area that includes a lot of subject relatives to how and why people act, their feelings and others. In Chile This career is given  in many universities, Each one has different approach to the discipline, for example University of Talca has a in-field specialization, another one is Alberto Hurt ado university where the approach  is more humanistic  but most of them take the discipline as a scientific ones, this means that all the information  that provides needs to be contrast with reality, and must have a series of logic and proved information, some of them collected from people or obtained by experiments. Each institution have their own curriculum map, and it  has to be equal in certain ways, like in the minimal contents, but  in spite of the similarities or differences, all of them must have a subject  in which one the students can put on practice their knowledge.