lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

Post 6 describing a gadget

We are in a global world, that has been evolved and changes  in different aspects, our life’s are  incredible different compares to the previous generation,  this is easily distinguishable in technology and other gadgets. Each day a new one comes out and  in general all of them offer to have a better quality of life, for example new cars, cellphones, computer, domestic devices. All of this provides opportunities and solutions to our problems, some of them more important than others.
In my opinion the quality of life has improved in so many countries, and with it our necessities has been change, For example nowadays to have a cellphone is a basic necessity and it is used to communicate with other, get information, take pictures and a lot of others functions, However our previous generation didn’t considered to have a cellphone to  get in contact, there was another ‘ways to do it . This changes in technology  has their advantages and disadvantages . In the positive aspect is the fact that our life’s are more comfortable, because we have so many devices that make our life’s more easily, for example wash machine, boiler, and refrigerator this one is a very important invent, is like a thermal isolated closet that maintain the food available for many days, protecting it of the heat, cold, or contaminates, the first electronic one was invented in 1920, together with other devices this one improved the quality of life.
 Besides in the negative aspect, is that some countries doesn’t evolved,  they are extremely poor, they have limited resources, not even food or water in consequences they don’t have technologies either, also we have to considered all the money spend in the invention of new gates that does not involved basics necessities, like vey modern cellphones, or extremely opulent cars.

In Conclusion technologies and gadgets has advantages and disadvantages, we have to be aware of our necessities and how to uses technology.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

POST 5 statistics essay two

All the curriculum maps must have a subject in which one the students can practice from the begging of the career, there are many reasons  to implement this, firstly    a large amounts of psychologies are graduated each year, and  they must be ready and qualified to work with people, but according to the information not many of them are prepared to do this, this situation can be the result  of many causes, maybe  they are not good students or a more reasonable one is that they have not been trained to work with people during the career, as a result of a lack of experience  and contact with people realities, so they do not know the common problems, or how to talk  with others
As an example this pie chart shows the percentages of the psychologies who are members of the school of psychologies of Chile, the most noticeable thing about this, is the number of people who are not affiliate it is a 89 percent, it is a very big amount compared to the affiliate ones. This can be a sample of the quality of psychologies because a big number of them are working but there is a possibility that they do not managed the updated treatments or the correct knowledge to help others.

As a conclusion of the graph, the number of authorized or well- trained psychologies  is  quite low, so the government must  of implement measures  to improve the quality of them  and then help others.

Post 4 Statistics essay one

Psychology is a career in the health area that includes a lot of subject relatives to how and why people act, their feelings and others. In Chile This career is given  in many universities, Each one has different approach to the discipline, for example University of Talca has a in-field specialization, another one is Alberto Hurt ado university where the approach  is more humanistic  but most of them take the discipline as a scientific ones, this means that all the information  that provides needs to be contrast with reality, and must have a series of logic and proved information, some of them collected from people or obtained by experiments. Each institution have their own curriculum map, and it  has to be equal in certain ways, like in the minimal contents, but  in spite of the similarities or differences, all of them must have a subject  in which one the students can put on practice their knowledge.

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Post 3

Post 3 How to perform a peer review
First of all we have to know what is a peer review,  includes some examples and then  I think we will be able to do one. Well in my Words a peer reviews  is a method, a way  in which one a person check your work, in a first moment I relationed with any work, that is need or want to be cheked by other person who have knowledge to evaluate the work, but in specific and more technical it is used in academics spaces in wich paper workrs, essays, scientific articles have to be  reviewed ,according to the important information that it can contain like theories, experiments,and others, so it is a delicate procedure that has to be done with responsability for the information that it brings to the public, and the tretement of the informtion that so many times is provided by people that can be affected  and also includes the cofidence of the peer that asked for the  review this one has to be critic, meticuluos,and an expert with the them. Saying that I will present a summary with the principal steps to perform a peer review, in some cases the are more specific ones, but this ones is a general so  you can search for more information.
1.       Know the structure of the paper, article or other, it mains how  the information is organized. Some tip it can be in a formal or informal one
2.       Do a skim reding, it means a general review of the topic, if it is clear, how is written etc.
3.       Do a complete review or a Deep lecture
4.       Analyze the methods used
5.       Finally write critics, recomendations of any type.

Post 2

The introduction

The area  of psychology includes  a series of topics relatead to people, one of them is to know how they act and understand why they act  also  how they feel in their daily life, the main porpuse to study  this topics is to help in case of any trouble that people can have, for example if they feel sad for a particular reason and the  feeling grows each day until it turns to  a mental illness  or how  the techncals calls  pathological, in simple words it means that afects all the aspects of the person life  and they do not want to live  any more, the experts try to help them find the cause of the feeling, but in other cases  the situation that cause the illness is clear for the person and the problem is that they can not  controled, the cause can be related to past like traumas, present  or  even future in case of the pathologics like anxiety disorders , the psychology   includes a lot ways  to aproch to people, particulars point of view of who is the human being and differents techniques to help, for exmaple there are humanist, psychoanalysis and others, but in the practice all are mixed and contribute to improve the  quality of life at individual level , but at the end all the society because so many times the problems of one individual  can be the same or share something with other person or sometimes the cause of the problem is in a community or a  family and all is  connected so if one is afected  the other too, having in mind that each one are unique and answer  and feel acording to that.

Post one

Well I am student of first year at  the university  so I think that I have to learn  so many things about my carrer which is psychology and so many more things, but I have been in school system for almost fifteen years and I have learn things or that is what I like to believe,among all the troubles that has the system, I think that one of them is that  schools are guilty, or responsable of the loose of creativity , I would like to present my opinión  according to the policy of free creativity style of writting in this posts, I would like to defend that  we are lossing our creativiy skills in part  because of the school, for a number of  reasons the first one, is that we have so many orders to follow, of how to do everything that we do not have space or time to imagine, I am aware the we have to learn some many topics in a limited period of time, and there are  certain way to do it and learn it, intead of that  creativity has to be promoted, for example to add a news ideas or a comment about the topic of the subject or make a draw of anything that we want in a space of the class. The loose of creativty is increasing each  year and  we get used to only listen, and receive more and more  information  of authors, theories, and  what others have invented while we stop  to express our thougths, feelings, or ideas and we grow beliveng that  is more useful and easy  that others tell us or  show how  to do eveything  and when we have to invent, we considerer that is hard work and this is circle because   the society and the culture do not give value  of be creative, we think that the creative is relatead to Jobs that do not pay enoungh money  ,like tradicional ones does , and when   for example when someone is studying  dance, art or music  there are seems that are not so valued, well  there are two things that i would like to say about it, first in my opinion creativiy is not atached to a job or the conditions  of  life, creativity have some many forms like people in the world, and ther are capacities that we developted  in a process and  we can used  in differents ways.

I rather prefer to think that we have our creativiy hidding the  only thing  we have to do is bring it, and try to used in  life to imagine créate  and express how we see the world, and find a way to do it.

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

English Language Challenges

Well this is my last post, and I have to tell you about my English class, first of all I like very much my English class at the university, this is my first one and it has been a very good experience, I have learnt so many things that I didn’t know before, more vocabulary, and I have had  so much practice, like listening, writing and reading part, also I considered that English required a constant practice, if you don’t practiced it can be forgot, and there are always new words, expressions to learn, apart  that  nowadays  English is useful and necessary , in jobs or when you travel to another country you can easily communicate with others who doesn’t speak your  language, also there are many things in English, like  programs, series, books, envolture foods and other material of study. I really like the format of this class, Blogs are an excellent space to learn and practice skills, also it isn’t bored and isn’t the typical way to learn, like in others classes. I know that I still have new things to learn in English, in all  aspects, more vocabulary, more practice in general, Maybe I will watch more movies or series in English, or one day I would like to study in an another country where I can use English.

Finally in my opinion there is not so many things that this class need to be improve, the teacher miss Rosa is excellent and she provides a very good space to share and learn in all of her students.

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

changes to my study programme

I am studying psychology , this is my first  year,and  when I applied to this carreer I read the programme, the courses, and all relative information, I made questions about it  in differents collage, for  to make a comparisson and choose  the best option, according to me, so I was lucky, I could choose the university of chile, I  really like their programe, orientation and system, and also it is well- konwn for his excellence, and there are very good tecaher. I had Heard so many coments about the building, the structure, so many people argued that  this university did not  have enough space,  or that the classroom were in bad conditions, also that   it  couldn’t provide the tolos  to learn, but being in this university I  prove , that is no like that , We have good  spaces to study, the classroom are good, and you have access to books and other materials.

In my opinion the curriculum is fine, It has been changed, for example  I knew that this year many other changes have introduced, but I think that important change to do, is about the  practical part, I mean we make our practice in our last year,   I  considerer that can be others chances to practice,  honestly  I  do not  know so much about this,  but maybe each one must  find this chances  or have a real contact with the profession. About the  teaching methods, I found it  good in general,  but I considered that the tests, and evaluation methods are not the best one, they do not measure  how much we have learn or how much we are prepared to practice our profession.  

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Hello everyone

Today’ s post is a about Winter holidays, I am very excited about Winter vacations, because I am so tired and stressed with tests and lessons, so in this moment I think that I will sleep all my vacations, but seriously I don’t have a special plan for Winter holidays, I would be happy if I can stay in my house and share with family and Friends that  I haven’t seen  this semester, rightnow evorybody is so busy anyway I will like to go to cinema, or maybe go to the beach for a couple of days,  and breath fresh air, I also would like to cook some cakes, and new meals it is very funny, and read a nice book. In my last Winter vacations I did  the mayor part of this  plans, except for the trip to the beach, I couldn’t do it, by this time I have something different because I have my first pet, a dog named teo, so I hope to spend a lot of time with him, like playing   or  go for a walk, I do this things now but in vacations  I will do it much more. Also  I always would like to visit another country in vacationes,  I would like to  go to Europe, but  being more realist I would like to go the south of chile, or better  to the Patagonia chilena, I have seen photos  and programs about it on tv, and  it is wonderful,the nature is something amazing.

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

favorite TV program

Hello everyone ¡
 I do not have a favorite TV program,but  I have watched a lot of series, tv shows, also movies,I am a big  fan of TV programs, and movies, one of my favorite hobby is to watch series,  I have watched seires of vampires, criminals, zombies, action and comedy ones,  I think these topics are the most popular  at  the present time, one of the latest series I have been watching is  Grey s anatomy, this is a very popular drama serie, it is about doctors, who work  at a  hospital in Seattle, there they have to deal with their own problems and  also treat  their patients, this serie has  thirteen seasons which are 293 episodes, and the first one was in 2005, on the serie you can notice the evoluion, and changes of the characters, the principal one is meredith grey protagonized by the actress Ellen Pompeo,  she won a prize at SAG awards in 2008, in the category of  the best drama actress for her role in this serie, grey anatomy was created by Shonda Rhimes, she is  a scriptwriter, producer and director, and her  TV program won  award  for the best drama serie in 2007,I love this series because it has very attractive characters, and  every episodes  is exciting and  new problems  need to be fixed, for example right now  I remember one episode of the nineth season in which almost all principal characters are in a plane crash and  they  had to survive in the middle of nowhere, you can watch how they had to confront  an accident, just as the patients that arrive to the hospital do.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Post grade course

Hello everyone: 

I am studying psychology at University, it is my first career and  I decided to study this since  I was  at  school, I would like to work with children, it can be at schools, hospital or in a particular consult, for this  I  think  that  if I work in schools or with children I  would do a major in education, or a post grade to specialize in children, or  teenager psychology, I  am interested in  learning problems.  I  would like to know profundity about  topics  like learning, growth process, and work out  the difficulties in this, by this time  I do not  know what other major I would like to do, but  I hope that when I  finish my career  I  will find other interests, more than doing a post grade I would like to study a second career like nursing or occupational therapy, this career are more close to natural sciences than social ones, however   these ones and psychology have  in common that both of them work  with the health of the people, but from different perspectives,  the natural sciences heel the body and the social one  helps with the psyche, but  in my opinion  it is a complement  among all of them. Also I would like to take a neuroscience course and psychotherapy one, I prefer to take face to face classes rather than online system also I would like to study abroad.

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

My future job

Hi everyone: 

 Today  I am talking about  my future job, well I  am studying psychology  so   I suppose I will work as psychologist. When I  was  10 years old I  wanted to be  a   teacher because I used to like the idea of working at a school, the main reason is that I  love childrens, now  I  am sure I  would be very happy working   in a school as a psychologist or teaching in a school. Nowdays  I like the quit  places so  I would not stay in  Santiago, maybe  I will work in a town  at the  south of chile, after a time working  here  I would like to go to another country, there  I will   do a major in education,   also as a second carreer  I would like to study  nursing  or occupational therapy,  Apart from that, there are many more things that I would like to learn ,   for example  how to  play  a instrument,  or   maybe   I  will take arts or  history classes because I am interest in the diferents cultures in the world,   to sum up  I  want to work in differents areas, but  keeping  in mind  my main profession. I hope can  do all the things I  want but  I  dont like to think  in that so much , I will be happy  working as a psychologist at any school.

Resultado de imagen para psicologa educativa

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


Hi everyone 

this time I  am going to talk about elections, the primary  elections are on the  2nd of  July in Chile, in this election you can vote for a possible pressident or senator, and   the final election is on november, I hope to vote both times, because I  think that voting is a  right  but also a  duty,  voting is fundamental, it is a way of participping in the construcction of the country, when you  choose  a pressident or senator you  are opting for political  mesaures   these  ones will be applied on  you , that     can affect you directly or indirectly, but at the end  all of us are part of the society and voting is one  form to express the things and people that we want to run the society ,about that we can have  bad experencies  with politicians,we know that  some of them are corrupted, not reliable, liars and also  see in political an easy way to make money,   about that I  prefer to  think  possitively because  we will never find the perfect person to run the society, nobody is perfect on what they do and we have a infinite opinions on how to do it , so from my point of view  we must not   criticize in a bad way, on the contrary . we must  give our opinons, and advices  but it has to be constructive  to  improve  our elections and the people we choose. The main importance is that the politcans and the measures that they make  agree with  our opinions and if they are we should vote for them, or maybe the most nearly propposal, according to that I think that having or not having qualities are not relevent on voting, how they    think about the society it  is the relevant. and more important what they . know about it. 
I have considered to get involved  in politcs, because  I would like to help others,but by this time I am not capable to do it,  I do not have knowledge, but  I will vote and learn about politics for a while.

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

Brandon Flowers

Hi ¡
  I  had never thought in someone I would like to meet, like a famous person, but if I could I would like to meet Brandon Flowers, he is a  singer who became popular with his band named The killers, I have always loved this band, since I was 10 yearrs old, I listened to  and I knew all their lyrics,  the group was formed in 2002 and  I have been a big fan of  the group and their style of music, I do not  think that they have a particular style,  it is a mix between  punk rock, pop and rock and roll, a  few years later in 2010 Brandon flower  began his own career as a  soloist, when I  heard that brandon flower started his own career the first thing  I thought was that  the group  would end,   and  I would  not see them in a concert, then I  listened to the new  album of brandon and I fell in love with his songs, and obviously with him,  He is 35 years old  and is extremely attractive, in part because his voice, also he  maintened the style of music from The killers but he added a new rhythm,  I would love to see him singing all his songs.      

Resultado de imagen para brandon flowers singing

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017


I had never gone to a concert of a singer or a particular music band, but I have gone to musical festivals, one of them lollapalooza,I like it because I can see many singers and groups at the same time, also I do not have a  favorite  band or an only one style of music, I like all the styles and festivals are a good option to enjoy any type of music,this year  lollapalooza was in the day of my birthday so I had a really good time, I saw many good singers and groups, one of my favorite  the weekend.flume,vance joy, the strokes,griz and others.I went with my sister who  gave me the ticket, but we only went on sunday, we missed the groups who were on saturday, one of them Metalica. People must buy food in only  autherized stores so it is very expensvie, in spite  of that  we had a great time dancing and singing,  I am wating fot the next festival which new bands are invited and  I hope  to go both days.

Imagen relacionada

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017


I would like to visit so many countries, I think I would choose India,because, that  country has a totally diferent culture in comparison to America, Europe  or that is my idea about it, India is a  very multicultural country in itself, there are many religions like buddhism ,a specific type of organization  calls castes,a lot of traditions,habits, one of the things I like about this county is that they have manteined their costumes until today . Iwould like to go there and  learn about the history of the country,  know how   the peolple are ,which  is  their  point of view about  the rest of the world and life in general  also India has really nice places, a lot of nature, it is really interesting country, in spite of  that  it has a big problem  of poverty  and inequality.  I would like to go there after  I finish my carrer and live there for a while ot to stay there.  
Resultado de imagen para india

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017


hello ¡
My name is Javiera Aracena Loaiza, you can call me javi, I am 18 years old, I come from Rancagua,I live with my family my parents, grandparents and my sister who is 17 years old. My  career is psychology and I am in my first year at college. I do not have a particular hobby but I like sports, read,eat,watch series and movies. One of my weakness in English is that  I do not know much vocabulary and I have problems with reading and listening, I think that my strenght is the grammar part.I would like to learn more English.